To stalk or not to stalk #ROW80 & #SnippetSunday

Happy Sunday everyone, first up a snippet from Bound and Unbroken, for Snippet Sunday and WeWriWa. If you’d like to skip the snippet and find my ROW 80 update, just scroll down a bit. 🙂 And, if you’ve missed any of my previous snippets, you can find them by clicking the Weekly Snippets in the top menu.

“So you are stalking me?” Lena said, watching him out of the corner of her eye as she tucked her book into her bag and slid it back next to her leg.

“No, that would imply that I’m going to follow you home tonight, or that I’ve been creeping outside your house. I heard a rumor that you might be here, so I thought I’d take my chances.”

With his smug face, she wondered if there was any situation he wasn’t confident in, but he hadn’t exactly explained how he knew she’d be here, after all, she wasn’t aware of anyone who kept track of her whereabouts. “A rumor–who the hell is keeping track of me?”

Eric raised his eyebrows, “You’ve got quite a mouth for an elementary school teacher.”

“I teach third grade, I’m not in it. Now answer my question.”

Check out the other participants at Snippet Sunday or WeWriWa.

ROW 80

It’s snowing again!! We have snow! It’s been about 12 degrees here the last few days, but with no snow. That’s depressing if you ask me, so I’m quite happy with 24 degrees if I have 8 inches of snow. 🙂

I got some cool supplies to make Bound and Unbroken swag this week, and I started experimenting with some ideas for a CafePress store. Time that would probably be better spent writing, but sometimes I need a different means for my creative outlet, and it’s fun to be crafty and experiment with my designs on T-shirts & notepads.


Book 1: Beyond the Divide (Paranormal, Urban Fantasy) 9959 words

Book 2: Bound and Unbroken (BDSM Romance) I’m about to start on another round of betas, since I’ve made a few big changes. 🙂

January Goals


  1. Finish another 20k on Beyond the Divide (0% complete)
  2. Incorporate beta suggestions on Bound and Unbroken (50% complete)
  3. Add 10k to Bound and Unbroken (60% complete)
  4. Send Bound and Unbroken to editor (pending….)

Accomplishments this week:

  • Bound and Unbroken–I’ve rewritten a few scenes, which doesn’t really add to the wordcount since I’m deleting almost as much as I’m adding.
  • I have swag & book related merchandise!

Non-Writing Goals

  1. Get back to Juicing more often.
  2. Become more active in my regular blogging activities and in visiting other blogs.

Accomplishments this week:

  • I started a group on Google+ for writers and readers who want to talk about the kinkier side of books–Collars & Cuffs Book Club. I’m part of a few such groups on Facebook but they’re always cracking down on anything that includes BDSM, and well everything else really. I don’t feel like anything on Facebook is reliable anymore, so I’d like to have a good place on another forum to talk about interests.
  • I’ve juiced a couple of times, but I’ve been wanting orange juice more than veggie juice lately.

A Round of Words in 80 Days is the writing challenge that knows you have a life.

We are all different and we all have different demands on our time.  Why should we all have the same goal?  The simple answer is that we shouldn’t.  If you want to be a writer, then you have to be able to roll with the punches and adapt to your changing circumstances.  If that means changing your goals when your life blows up, so be it.  ROW80 is the challenge that champions the marriage of writing and real life.


20 thoughts on “To stalk or not to stalk #ROW80 & #SnippetSunday

  1. I’m with everyone else: “I teach third grade, I’m not in it” is my favorite line of the day! 😀

    He’s really rubbing her the wrong way (so to speak) . . . i wonder how long she’ll keep him at arm’s length?


  2. I liked the last line, too…but ‘hell’ is hardly foul-mouthed, as language goes! Is Eric just a bit of a prude about profanity? That would be an interesting character trait for a potential teacher stalker!

    You’re making good progress on your goals, too. =)


  3. I love her line and her attitude. And congrats on the progress on the progress made on your goals. I put in a request to join your group btw. I agree with your FB comments. I find the same thing.


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