Post ARC slump #ROW80

Hello world!

I’m late again with my Wednesday update. I spent all day yesterday doing training for Jamberry so I’d be ready to jump in when my kit gets here. That will likely be tomorrow, and then I have to think about setting up my first party. Who said that becoming an independent consultant two weeks before releasing a book was a good idea?

At least it gives me something to think about rather than curling up in a ball and freaking out that ARCs have been sent out.

Oh, geez, ARCs are out!!! And all I can think about are the things I’d still like to change, the things I could have done better, etc, etc, etc… It doesn’t end.

Book 1: Beyond the Divide (Paranormal, Urban Fantasy) 9959 words

Book 2: Bound and Unbroken (BDSM Romance) 73k(ish) words

February Goals


  1. Finish the final polish on Bound and Unbroken
    Final editing fixes by Feb 3
    Send it off for a fresh critique
    Proofreading by Feb 8 – in progress at the moment
    Finish eARC formatting by Feb 10 & send ARCs out by Feb 11 to prepare for Book Blitz & Tours
    Incorporate final Proofread & prepare to click publish on February 24!
  2. Maybe I’ll touch Beyond the Divide at some point–I may be too wrapped up in in the final stretch to do anything else. Maybe is the key word… And now the problem is, I really want to go back and work on a paranormal romance manuscript that I started last year. It’s already about 40k and I’ve been working on it on and off for about 2 years to figure out the mythology. That would push Beyond the Divide back until the last half of the year, when I also intend on releasing the sequel to Bound and Unbroken. Lots of projects to keep me busy, and hopefully the Jamberry business will eventually replace my office work (target date for this is end of May) and I’ll be fully work-at-home with no more 9-5 to impede my creativity!! 

Non-Writing Goals

  1. Live Healthier
    Fresh Juice at least once per day (hit or miss)
    30 minutes of exercise each day (I’m stuck with shoveling snow)
    And yes, I know this one probably sounds crazy but–Drink 1 tsp of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water twice a day. (Doing good until yesterday)
  2. Become more active in my regular blogging activities and in visiting other blogs.
    Visit & comment on at least 3 blogs per day (All networking goals have been a little off since I locked myself in the formatting cave on Saturday)
    Reply to blog comments & make more return visits. (Ditto^ I still need to make return visits to all of my Sunday commenters and ROW80 posters)
    At least 1 meaningful interaction on Google+/Twitter/Facebook per day √ I think
    Connect with someone new on Google+/Twitter/Facebook each day (hit or miss)
    Do at least 1 marketing task each day–review request (hit or miss)

A Round of Words in 80 Days is the writing challenge that knows you have a life.

We are all different and we all have different demands on our time.  Why should we all have the same goal?  The simple answer is that we shouldn’t.  If you want to be a writer, then you have to be able to roll with the punches and adapt to your changing circumstances.  If that means changing your goals when your life blows up, so be it.  ROW80 is the challenge that champions the marriage of writing and real life.


Someone you’re not #ROW80/#8Sunday

It is Sunday once again–and it seemed like the last week went particularly fast. Well, first up I have a snippet from Bound and Unbroken, for Snippet Sunday and WeWriWa. If you’d like to skip the snippet and find my ROW 80 update, just scroll down a bit. 🙂 And, if you’ve missed any of my previous snippets, you can find them by clicking the Weekly Snippets in the top menu.

This week, I bring you Eric and Lena–they’ve “resolved” the stalker issue, but they’re still waiting for the Beethoven concert to begin….

“I’m sure. Because if you’re just distracting me, you don’t feel like you really have to open up, right?”

And then he went and turned the tables on light-heartedness.

“Which is harder,” he whispered, “being the fun, slightly shy, and open girl when you claim you’re playing or wrapping yourself up so tight you start to shake?”

Lena tucked her hands around her sides, as if that would keep him from seeing that his observations were true. It was easier when she couldn’t get hurt, and that meant either pulling away or not taking it seriously.

Eric tucked her hair away from her face, and out of the corner of her eye, she could see the brown strands trembling from her effort to keep it together.

“You don’t have to give me an answer, but it’s never easier to be someone you’re not.”

Check out the other participants at Snippet Sunday or WeWriWa.

ROW 80

NP02You’d think that since the snow/ice got me out of work 2 extra days last week that I’d get extra stuff done, but no. However I have improved upon my social media and blog visiting/commenting balance, so I’m proud of that. I’ve managed to do a bit of networking and chatting with other authors nearly every day. And then I signed up to be a Jamberry Independent Consultant–I do need some money to support this writing addiction of mine. So I’ve been spending the rest of my free time learning about all of those details and secrets.

My kit should be here next week and I’m really excited to see some of the wraps I ordered, like this little newspaper wrap (which sadly is being discontinued soon 😥 )–think I can do a cute little book-themed manicure for my release? For someone who has never had a professional manicure, (and I hate nail polish, it never lasts more than a few hours on me) I’m far too excited to try out all of these possibilities.

Book 1: Beyond the Divide (Paranormal, Urban Fantasy) 9959 words

Book 2: Bound and Unbroken (BDSM Romance) 70,313 words

February Goals


  1. Finish the final polish on Bound and Unbroken
    Final editing fixes by Feb 3
    Send it off for a fresh critique
    Proofreading by Feb 8 – in progress at the moment
    Finish eARC formatting by Feb 10 & send ARCs out by Feb 11 to prepare for Book Blitz & Tours
    Incorporate final Proofread & prepare to click publish on February 24!
  2. Maybe I’ll touch Beyond the Divide at some point–I may be too wrapped up in in the final stretch to do anything else.

Non-Writing Goals

  1. Live Healthier
    Fresh Juice at least once per day (hit or miss)
    30 minutes of exercise each day (shoveling snow counts, right?)
    And yes, I know this one probably sounds crazy but–Drink 1 tsp of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water twice a day. (up to 1/day)
  2. Become more active in my regular blogging activities and in visiting other blogs.
    Visit & comment on at least 3 blogs per day
    Reply to blog comments & make more return visits. (I think I have at least replied to everything this week)
    At least 1 meaningful interaction on Google+/Twitter/Facebook per day 
    Connect with someone new on Google+/Twitter/Facebook each day 
    Do at least 1 marketing task each day–review request 

A Round of Words in 80 Days is the writing challenge that knows you have a life.

We are all different and we all have different demands on our time.  Why should we all have the same goal?  The simple answer is that we shouldn’t.  If you want to be a writer, then you have to be able to roll with the punches and adapt to your changing circumstances.  If that means changing your goals when your life blows up, so be it.  ROW80 is the challenge that champions the marriage of writing and real life.


February 5: Tick Tock #ROW80 #IWSG


I feel like I should have something profound to say today, but it’s 2 am (so we’ll see if I can coherently put together a post) and I just finished the latest round of Bound and Unbroken polishing.


It has now been in the hands of 6 betas/CPs and an Editor and has gained about 10,000 words.  This weekend I’ll probably do another speedy run through depending on the information I get back from the final 2 readers.

And then it’s on to doomsday. The countdown clock just doesn’t quit ticking. And every time I send it to a new reader, I flip out with all of the strange concoctions my brain can possibly come up with. But at the end of the day, I can say that I wrote a story that I’m proud of. It resonates with me, and the readers so far, so I hope it will have the same effect on others when I release it at the end of the month.

*fingers crossed*

ROW 80

Book 1: Beyond the Divide (Paranormal, Urban Fantasy) 9959 words

Book 2: Bound and Unbroken (BDSM Romance) 70,022 words

February Goals


  1. Finish the final polish on Bound and Unbroken
    Final editing fixes by Feb 3
    Send it off for a fresh critique
    Proofreading by Feb 8
    Finish eARC formatting by Feb 10 & send ARCs out by Feb 11 to prepare for Book Blitz & Tours
    Incorporate final Proofread & prepare to click publish on February 24!
  2. Maybe I’ll touch Beyond the Divide at some point–I may be too wrapped up in in the final stretch to do anything else.

Non-Writing Goals

  1. Fresh juice at least once per day!
  2. Become more active in my regular blogging activities and in visiting other blogs.

I’ve been keeping up with most of the items my daily social media checklist–I probably missed a few yesterday, but on work days it’s all much harder to keep up with.

A Round of Words in 80 Days is the writing challenge that knows you have a life.

We are all different and we all have different demands on our time.  Why should we all have the same goal?  The simple answer is that we shouldn’t.  If you want to be a writer, then you have to be able to roll with the punches and adapt to your changing circumstances.  If that means changing your goals when your life blows up, so be it.  ROW80 is the challenge that champions the marriage of writing and real life.


Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!

Posting: The first Wednesday of every month is officially Insecure Writer’s Support Group day. Post your thoughts on your own blog. Talk about your doubts and the fears you have conquered. Discuss your struggles and triumphs. Offer a word of encouragement for others who are struggling. Visit others in the group and connect with your fellow writer – aim for a dozen new people each time.

#IWSG Participants

February–Chaos in full swing #ROW80

Happy Sunday (well not so much since it’s Monday Eve 😦 but such is life)!

I assume a lot of people’s plans today involve the Superbowl, of which I know nothing, so I’m having an ordinary Sunday. 😀

I usually do a Snippet Sunday or WeWriWa post as well on Sundays, but I’m skipping it this week. I have too much on my plate to try and visit and comment fairly.

ROW 80

Book 1: Beyond the Divide (Paranormal, Urban Fantasy) 9959 words

Book 2: Bound and Unbroken (BDSM Romance) 1 round of beta critiques implemented

February Goals


Last month, I intended to add 20k to Beyond the Divide (which I didn’t even touch), add another 10k to Bound and Unbroken (managed 7.5k), and finish Beta suggestions & editing (mostly done). We’ll call that a 75% completion rate…

  1. Finish the final polish on Bound and Unbroken
    Final editing fixes by Feb 3
    Send it off for a fresh critique
    Proofreading by Feb 8
    Finish eARC formatting by Feb 10 & send ARCs out by Feb 11 to prepare for Book Blitz & Tours
    Incorporate final Proofread & prepare to click publish on February 24!
  2. Maybe I’ll touch Beyond the Divide at some point–I may be too wrapped up in in the final stretch to do anything else.

Non-Writing Goals

  1. Fresh juice at least once per day!
  2. Become more active in my regular blogging activities and in visiting other blogs–I’m also becoming more focused in this goal with certain tasks to complete each day. If you’re curious, here’s a little snip of what it looks like….snipIt seems like a lot, but with HootSuite, I should be able to accomplish each task in a few minutes then move onto the next. I’m hoping it will help me balance my efforts, since I have direct tasks to accomplish on each social media site I’m a part of–Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and Pinterest–rather than logging on and lollygagging around and not actually making any progress.

A Round of Words in 80 Days is the writing challenge that knows you have a life.

We are all different and we all have different demands on our time.  Why should we all have the same goal?  The simple answer is that we shouldn’t.  If you want to be a writer, then you have to be able to roll with the punches and adapt to your changing circumstances.  If that means changing your goals when your life blows up, so be it.  ROW80 is the challenge that champions the marriage of writing and real life.


Jan 29th Updates #ROW80

Aside from the -30 windchills here, there’s nothing much new going on (except for the writing things which I’ll get to later). Mostly the day job rules my week, and no one wants to hear that. I’m currently working on a Tax Addendum (even though I don’t understand a word of it), and I spent half of the morning on Twitter talking to Adobe customer service to get Adobe Creative Suite (CS3!!!) reactivated on my computer. Exciting times! I’m actually writing this blog post in between working on a project in Photo Shop since I have plenty of time between steps as the program freezes and takes a few minutes to respond to every change I make.

ROW 80

Book 1: Beyond the Divide (Paranormal, Urban Fantasy) 9959 words

Book 2: Bound and Unbroken (BDSM Romance) Editing, rewriting, editing …

January Goals


  1. Finish another 20k on Beyond the Divide (0% complete) <- I think this one is just about dead for the month 😦
  2. Incorporate beta suggestions on Bound and Unbroken (75% complete)
  3. Add 10k to Bound and Unbroken (65% complete)
  4. Send Bound and Unbroken to editor (pending….)

Accomplishments so far this week:

  • Last night I finished strengthening the middle section of Bound and Unbroken (aka rewriting 3 chapters). Some bits of the old chapters survived, but after an editor informed me that the Club scene in those chapters was the weakest part of the novel, I struggled to turn it around. All along, I’ve known generally what needed to happen in these chapters, but the first attempts at it were just awkward, and I couldn’t quite find the right mix And then I got a great new idea that got me exactly where I wanted to be, but took a quite different route (and in my opinion, it’s much more fun!). Oh, and best part, I’m in love with my story again–makes it seem less tedious. 😀

Non-Writing Goals

  1. Get back to Juicing more often.
  2. Become more active in my regular blogging activities and in visiting other blogs.

Accomplishments this week:

  • Well, I still haven’t visited everyone for Snippet Sunday and Weekend Writing Warriors, but I did hit my #ROW80 blogs 🙂
  • I’ve been more attentive with replying to comments.
  • I’m a longtime user of BufferApps for scheduling social media posts, having tried others and not being that impressed. However, I recently opened another HootSuite account, and they’ve improved a lot since my last use. I’ll probably still use Buffer to share pics (since I like how their picture posts work), but I think HootSuite will help a great deal in decreasing my time spent on social media. I have it set up so that I can see my Facebook News Feed, Profile Page, Twitter Feed, and Street Team feed in one tab, then a tab for scheduled posts for each account, and a tab for private messages. Plus there are apps to monitor MailChimp and other services. I’m a happy camper right now, but I’ll let you know how it fares after I live with it for a week or two. The big drawback for me is nothing that I’ve found will manage my Google+ profile, even though some will manage pages now. There’s also an option to use HootSuite for WordPress, but I didn’t try that one since I only get 5 freebies.

Less than 4 weeks until release!!

A Round of Words in 80 Days is the writing challenge that knows you have a life.

We are all different and we all have different demands on our time.  Why should we all have the same goal?  The simple answer is that we shouldn’t.  If you want to be a writer, then you have to be able to roll with the punches and adapt to your changing circumstances.  If that means changing your goals when your life blows up, so be it.  ROW80 is the challenge that champions the marriage of writing and real life.


To stalk or not to stalk #ROW80 & #SnippetSunday

Happy Sunday everyone, first up a snippet from Bound and Unbroken, for Snippet Sunday and WeWriWa. If you’d like to skip the snippet and find my ROW 80 update, just scroll down a bit. 🙂 And, if you’ve missed any of my previous snippets, you can find them by clicking the Weekly Snippets in the top menu.

“So you are stalking me?” Lena said, watching him out of the corner of her eye as she tucked her book into her bag and slid it back next to her leg.

“No, that would imply that I’m going to follow you home tonight, or that I’ve been creeping outside your house. I heard a rumor that you might be here, so I thought I’d take my chances.”

With his smug face, she wondered if there was any situation he wasn’t confident in, but he hadn’t exactly explained how he knew she’d be here, after all, she wasn’t aware of anyone who kept track of her whereabouts. “A rumor–who the hell is keeping track of me?”

Eric raised his eyebrows, “You’ve got quite a mouth for an elementary school teacher.”

“I teach third grade, I’m not in it. Now answer my question.”

Check out the other participants at Snippet Sunday or WeWriWa.

ROW 80

It’s snowing again!! We have snow! It’s been about 12 degrees here the last few days, but with no snow. That’s depressing if you ask me, so I’m quite happy with 24 degrees if I have 8 inches of snow. 🙂

I got some cool supplies to make Bound and Unbroken swag this week, and I started experimenting with some ideas for a CafePress store. Time that would probably be better spent writing, but sometimes I need a different means for my creative outlet, and it’s fun to be crafty and experiment with my designs on T-shirts & notepads.


Book 1: Beyond the Divide (Paranormal, Urban Fantasy) 9959 words

Book 2: Bound and Unbroken (BDSM Romance) I’m about to start on another round of betas, since I’ve made a few big changes. 🙂

January Goals


  1. Finish another 20k on Beyond the Divide (0% complete)
  2. Incorporate beta suggestions on Bound and Unbroken (50% complete)
  3. Add 10k to Bound and Unbroken (60% complete)
  4. Send Bound and Unbroken to editor (pending….)

Accomplishments this week:

  • Bound and Unbroken–I’ve rewritten a few scenes, which doesn’t really add to the wordcount since I’m deleting almost as much as I’m adding.
  • I have swag & book related merchandise!

Non-Writing Goals

  1. Get back to Juicing more often.
  2. Become more active in my regular blogging activities and in visiting other blogs.

Accomplishments this week:

  • I started a group on Google+ for writers and readers who want to talk about the kinkier side of books–Collars & Cuffs Book Club. I’m part of a few such groups on Facebook but they’re always cracking down on anything that includes BDSM, and well everything else really. I don’t feel like anything on Facebook is reliable anymore, so I’d like to have a good place on another forum to talk about interests.
  • I’ve juiced a couple of times, but I’ve been wanting orange juice more than veggie juice lately.

A Round of Words in 80 Days is the writing challenge that knows you have a life.

We are all different and we all have different demands on our time.  Why should we all have the same goal?  The simple answer is that we shouldn’t.  If you want to be a writer, then you have to be able to roll with the punches and adapt to your changing circumstances.  If that means changing your goals when your life blows up, so be it.  ROW80 is the challenge that champions the marriage of writing and real life.


The Unorganized Life of Skye #ROW80

I started to type all this up last night, after realizing halfway through work that it was Wednesday, but since I ended up with a miserable headache, I left it half done and went to bed…

I need someone whose sole purpose is to track me down and tell me what I’m supposed to be doing the next day. I’ve charged my planner with this task, but it fails to track me down each evening. Maybe some kind of little helper faerie is needed.

On second thought, no, probably not. It would be more trouble than its worth.

So, onward we go! It’s Wednesday, which I only realized halfway through work today. I blame the fact that Monday was a holiday so I didn’t have to work. I love long weekends, but my sense of time is already broken so mucked up schedules don’t help.

News this week! Yesterday, my cover was revealed!


ROW 80

Book 1: Beyond the Divide (Paranormal, Urban Fantasy) 9959 words

Book 2: Bound and Unbroken (BDSM Romance) 1 round of beta critiques implemented

January Goals


  1. Finish another 20k on Beyond the Divide (0% complete)
  2. Incorporate beta suggestions on Bound and Unbroken (50% complete)
  3. Add 10k to Bound and Unbroken (45% complete)
  4. Send Bound and Unbroken to editor (pending….)

Accomplishments so far this week:

  • More corrections and I came up with an idea to fix a weak chapter 🙂 Still haven’t written it, but it’s simmering

Non-Writing Goals

  1. Get back to Juicing more often.
  2. Become more active in my regular blogging activities and in visiting other blogs.

Accomplishments this week:

  • I have had juice for the last few days!! At least once a day–still need to get back to 2 times a day, but we have progress.
  • Regular online activities–my attempts at this should become a little better since the cover reveal is over.

Less than 5 weeks until release!!

A Round of Words in 80 Days is the writing challenge that knows you have a life.

We are all different and we all have different demands on our time.  Why should we all have the same goal?  The simple answer is that we shouldn’t.  If you want to be a writer, then you have to be able to roll with the punches and adapt to your changing circumstances.  If that means changing your goals when your life blows up, so be it.  ROW80 is the challenge that champions the marriage of writing and real life.


Stalkers & Nerves! #ROW80 & #SnippetSunday

Happy Sunday everyone, first up a snippet from Bound and Unbroken, for Snippet Sunday and WeWriWa. If you’d like to skip the snippet and find my ROW 80 update, just scroll down a bit. 🙂 And, if you’ve missed any of my previous snippets, you can find them by clicking the Weekly Snippets in the top menu.

So much for having plenty of room to stretch out, she thought as Eric climbed past her and took the next seat. She hated sharing armrests under normal circumstances—sharing an armrest meant they’d inevitably touch. Just the thought of it made her insides squirm with anticipation.

“Of course I’m not stalking you,” he explained, “I always hang out at Beethoven concerts—it’s a great place to pick up women.”

Lena looked around the room, and then raised an eyebrow and whispered. “You have some kind of grandma fetish I don’t know about?”

His eyes squinted slightly at the word fetish, and Lena tried to let it go, asking herself why on earth she’d ask that question anyway.

“What are you really doing here?” Lena lowered her voice as the room continued to fill and people began sitting in nearby seats.

“I came to see you.”

Check out snippets from other participants at Snippet Sunday or WeWriWa.

ROW 80

I’m not sure I have much to talk about this week. The last few days have been a blur, and I’m looking forward to the long weekend. The only highlight I can think of is that my husband is learning to play a Japanese flute and it’s quite entertaining. I’m still nervous about getting everything together, which makes my attention span non-existent.

Book 1: Beyond the Divide (Paranormal, Urban Fantasy) 9959 words

Book 2: Bound and Unbroken (BDSM Romance) 1st draft complete & with Betas

January Goals


  1. Finish another 20k on Beyond the Divide (0% complete)
  2. Incorporate beta suggestions on Bound and Unbroken (50% complete)
  3. Add 10k to Bound and Unbroken (45% complete)
  4. Send Bound and Unbroken to editor (pending….)

Accomplishments this week:

  • Bound and Unbroken–more corrections, more scenes that needed added totaling about another 2000k
  • Preparations for the cover reveal coming up this Tuesday
  • Since my KDP select contract ended, I uploaded Fractured Legacy to Smashwords! 🙂

Non-Writing Goals

  1. Get back to Juicing more often.
  2. Become more active in my regular blogging activities and in visiting other blogs.

Accomplishments this week:

  • Well, I have been getting in a few regular blog visits each week, not quite each day.
  • Getting into a better habit of recording my to do lists in my planner each week–hoping this helps keep me focused. I know I cover things here on the blog, but I find that handwriting what I need to do helps cement my plans a bit more.

A Round of Words in 80 Days is the writing challenge that knows you have a life.

We are all different and we all have different demands on our time.  Why should we all have the same goal?  The simple answer is that we shouldn’t.  If you want to be a writer, then you have to be able to roll with the punches and adapt to your changing circumstances.  If that means changing your goals when your life blows up, so be it.  ROW80 is the challenge that champions the marriage of writing and real life.


Must find sleep #ROW80 #IWSG

We’re into week 1 of implementing changes as a result of the beta reads and my brain hurts. I lucked out to have one beta who also an editor by trade, and I have to say, these are the best critiques I think I’ve ever gotten at this stage. I love a good detailed critique that doesn’t beat around the bush. Hearing “this is awesome” feels great, but in reality, it’s super unhelpful. So, I’m chugging along and working from a printed copy myself to find the rest of the details that need to be adjusted.

In other news, I can’t remember the last time I slept for more than two consecutive hours–or at least slept without dreaming about this stupid MS. If I don’t sleep tonight, I may go nutters very, very soon!!

Current Projects

Book 1: Beyond the Divide (Paranormal, Urban Fantasy) 9959 words

Book 2: Bound and Unbroken (BDSM Romance) 1st set of beta reads done–62055 words

January Goals


  1. Finish another 20k on Beyond the Divide
  2. Incorporate beta suggestions on Bound and Unbroken
  3. Add 10k to Bound and Unbroken
  4. Send Bound and Unbroken to editor

Accomplishments this week:

  • I don’t remember how much I’ve added to Bound, but I’m getting closer to my minimum goal of 70k 🙂 I also have a few new ideas for scenes and areas that need expanded.

Non-Writing Goals

  1. Get back to Juicing more often.
  2. Become more active in my regular blogging activities and in visiting other blogs. I normally get a few visits done and then something comes up and I never get back around to finishing up comments. So I plan to make it a part of my daily routine to visit a few other blogs each day (instead of trying to do it in one swoop).

Accomplishments this week:

  • Yeish, all I want is sleep!

A Round of Words in 80 Days is the writing challenge that knows you have a life.

We are all different and we all have different demands on our time.  Why should we all have the same goal?  The simple answer is that we shouldn’t.  If you want to be a writer, then you have to be able to roll with the punches and adapt to your changing circumstances.  If that means changing your goals when your life blows up, so be it.  ROW80 is the challenge that champions the marriage of writing and real life.


Another weekend, another #ROW80 and #Snippet Sunday

Welcome back!! I’m going to combine my Snippet Sunday and ROW80 post, this week to see how it goes.

This week, I’ve had freak outs over worked on finalizing my cover, planning for the reveal on the 21st, betas reading my story, and planning for blog tours, book blitzes, etc… :p

All of those little technical bits have left me exhausted and dead to the world.

Current Projects

Book 1: Beyond the Divide (Paranormal, Urban Fantasy) 9959 words

Book 2: Bound and Unbroken (BDSM Romance) 1st draft complete & with Betas

January Goals


  1. Finish another 20k on Beyond the Divide
  2. Incorporate beta suggestions on Bound and Unbroken
  3. Add 10k to Bound and Unbroken
  4. Send Bound and Unbroken to editor

Accomplishments this week:

  • I added an additional 2000ish words to Bound and Unbroken and made a load of corrections
  • Finalized cover, again! After deciding on the series name and a couple of other details, the appearance changed a little.
  • Began the process of getting the Bound and Unbroken Release Day Blitz and Tour organized, (thanks to Christine at Sinful Thoughts Author Promo)
  • I ordered bookmarks, postcards, and business cards!

Non-Writing Goals

  1. Get back to Juicing more often.
  2. Become more active in my regular blogging activities and in visiting other blogs. I normally get a few visits done and then something comes up and I never get back around to finishing up comments. So I plan to make it a part of my daily routine to visit a few other blogs each day (instead of trying to do it in one swoop).

Accomplishments this week:

  • Since I’m sponsoring ROW80 this round, it’s even more incentive to get around to visit the other blogs. I still need to work on visiting a few blogs every day though.
  • I bought a new supply of fruits and veggies for juicing 🙂

Snippet Sunday

Last week, Eric and Lena continued their encounter after she ran into him at school, but it doesn’t seem like he’s giving up his pursuit. Today, Lena is attending a small Beethoven concert that her roommate is performing in….

A hand brushed her shoulder, and she bit back the urge to glare up at its owner. Instead, she glanced over to see feet clad in motorcycle boots, half covered in dark jeans. Those certainly weren’t the brown loafers she’d come to expect from most attendees of these events. Slowly her eyes climbed his body, until her heart jumped up and made a nest in her throat.

“Is the Loner saving every seat in this section?”

“Maybe.” She reminded herself to blink before her eyes dried out like her mouth.

Eric glanced to her feet, silently asking for permission to pass.

She let them drop off the back of the chair, but left them outstretched in front of her, ensuring he wouldn’t have room to pass easily. “Are you stalking me?”

Snippet Sunday

A Round of Words in 80 Days is the writing challenge that knows you have a life.

We are all different and we all have different demands on our time.  Why should we all have the same goal?  The simple answer is that we shouldn’t.  If you want to be a writer, then you have to be able to roll with the punches and adapt to your changing circumstances.  If that means changing your goals when your life blows up, so be it.  ROW80 is the challenge that champions the marriage of writing and real life.
