Last week to pick up Beyond the Divide on sale!

This is the last week to pick up my new paranormal novel, Beyond the Divide, for only 99 cents! And, as an added bonus, the first book in the series is currently FREE!

Sale promo

Beyond the Divide

Despite unanswered questions about the nameless entity that tried to steal her life, Kaylyn returns to the only kind of normal life she knows and takes on a new paranormal case.

After investing everything they have in a farm, an unsuspecting family discovers that their problems run much deeper than the poor upkeep of the house and land. Can Kaylyn and the other investigators uncover what’s behind the growing malicious activity? And how will they all deal with new warnings from beyond the divide?

Purchase Links: Amazon USUKCA, AU  |  Nook  |  Kobo  |  iTunes  

Catch up with the first book–free for a limited time!
Fractured Legacy


Kaylyn Anderson’s fascination with abandoned places and dark creatures kindled her work as a paranormal investigator. But when dreams begin to distort reality, she questions what is real and pulls away from everyone she trusts. The opportunity to investigate the Teague Hotel–a long-abandoned landmark that has always piqued her curiosity–provides a chance to redeem herself. Unraveling the hotel’s secrets won’t be easy, but Kaylyn soon finds herself the target of a dark entity that has been trapped in the building for decades.

If Kaylyn stands any hope of defeating the spirit, she’ll have to accept that her fears are real and convince fellow investigators that she hasn’t lost her mind.

Purchase Links: Amazon USUKCA, AU  |  Nook  |  Kobo  |  ScribD 

Beyond the Divide Blog Tour Schedule #Paranormal #UF

Thank you to all of the bloggers who signed up to participate in the Beyond the Divide Blog Tour!

BTD Full Cover
99 cents through November 7th!

October 27
Once Upon a YA Book
Donnie Darko Girl
October 28
♥The Romance Vault♥
Ch’kara SilverWolf
October 29
Because Reading is better than real life
A Creative Mind
October 30
The Reading Cow
November 2
Depression is my Illusion – Books are my Reality
November 3
Mom With A Kindle
November 4
Shayna Varadeaux Books & Reviews
November 5
Books A to Z
November 6
Dalene’s Book Reviews
November 7

Beyond the Divide Release Day! #Paranormal #UrbanFantasy

Now Available!
Beyond the Divide (Fractured Legacy #2)


Despite unanswered questions about the nameless entity that tried to steal her life, Kaylyn returns to the only kind of normal life she knows and takes on a new paranormal case.

After investing everything they have in a farm, an unsuspecting family discovers that their problems run much deeper than the poor upkeep of the house and land. Can Kaylyn and the other investigators uncover what’s behind the growing malicious activity? And how will they all deal with new warnings from beyond the divide?

Purchase Links: Amazon USUKCA, AU  |  Nook  |  Kobo  |  iTunes  


Just as her weary eyes began to drift closed again, a shadow in the corner caught her attention. She squeezed her eyes closed for a moment, expecting whatever it was to disappear, but when she opened them again, the shadowed figure stepped forward into the light of the descending full moon.

She recognized the strawberry-blond woman from pictures and vaguely from her own dreams—Ida Troyer. Ida’s hands were clasped in front of her body, which appeared even more slender and frail in the dim lighting.

Kaylyn had a strong feeling Ida had played a large role in their overcoming the spirit attached to the Teague Hotel. A lot of the details were still jumbled in Kaylyn’s mind—a logical result when multiple entities are trying to gain control of your body, she figured. “Isn’t it, you know, frowned upon to stalk your son’s employee while she’s sleeping?”

“I’m merely checking on you, Sweetie.”

“Mmh,” Kaylyn grunted and readjusted her blankets. Even spirits had to realize it was rude to check up on anyone before coffee. Since Jonah’s father had put in some kind of spirit ward on the house—the details of which Kaylyn wasn’t privy to, she was convinced she was still dreaming. Kaylyn waited for it to shift her to a new location as it had before—expecting, at any second, to see the walls of the abandoned hotel appear around her again.

But the walls of her new bedroom remained solid, and the apparition moved a step closer.

“It was you in the hotel, wasn’t it?” Kaylyn asked.

“Partially. I helped you direct the power to your mother so she could protect you while Jonah figured out how to break your bond with the entity.” Ida’s light Irish accent rolled through the room with a lulling effect. Jonah, not surprisingly, did not share his mother’s accent, and Kaylyn thought for a moment that it was a pity. Instead, his fluctuated between a thick Minnesota accent with hints of his time spent in Alberta and Paris.

“So, it is broken?” Kaylyn asked, looking for any form of confirmation that the evil entity wouldn’t be seeking her out again, leaving a trail of burned rooms, and missing bodies in its wake. Even if that confirmation came from a dream.

Ida remained silent for a few moments. “I need a favor,” she finally said.

Ida’s obvious refusal to answer the question was disconcerting. “Favor?”

Ida’s head turned slowly as her gaze swept around the room, she was in no hurry for whatever she’d come for.

Kaylyn knotted her fingers beneath the blanket, waiting to be swept into a nightmare, waiting for the apparition to ask for some kind of impossible feat.

“Watch out for Jonah,” Ida said in a whispered plea.

The simple request didn’t bring relief, only more questions. “He’s my boss; I think it’s implied in the job description.” Not to mention she felt her debt to him burrowed into her core—where it was reluctant to give her any peace. Most of her injuries were healing, but they were still sore enough to bring back flashes of that night with every movement. There was a small cut on her left hand where Jonah had released her blood to break the bond with the entity and a burn on her right palm where Jonah’s protective necklace had seared into her skin as she channeled power from beyond the living world.

But she’d gotten off lucky. Jonah had a matching burn on his left palm and three fractured ribs from protecting her from flying debris. And her sister, Cole, although physically okay, was now dealing with the loss of her fiancé’s brother.

“Remember,” Ida said, interrupting Kaylyn’s thoughts, “going forward doesn’t always move you farther from the demons of the past.”

Catch up with the first book–free for a limited time!
Fractured Legacy


Kaylyn Anderson’s fascination with abandoned places and dark creatures kindled her work as a paranormal investigator. But when dreams begin to distort reality, she questions what is real and pulls away from everyone she trusts. The opportunity to investigate the Teague Hotel–a long-abandoned landmark that has always piqued her curiosity–provides a chance to redeem herself. Unraveling the hotel’s secrets won’t be easy, but Kaylyn soon finds herself the target of a dark entity that has been trapped in the building for decades.

If Kaylyn stands any hope of defeating the spirit, she’ll have to accept that her fears are real and convince fellow investigators that she hasn’t lost her mind.

Purchase Links: Amazon USUKCA, AU  |  Nook  |  Kobo  |  ScribD 

About the Author: Skye Callahan

Skye Callahan is an Ohio-girl who has spent a lifetime chained to the imaginary worlds of the characters who live in her head. In elementary school she began writing down these characters’ stories to share with her friends and teachers. Although the paranormal was always her area of focus, she has recently followed her interest in BDSM and dark romance to venture into other realms.

When she isn’t spending time with the voices in her head, she loves spending time with her husband and two ferrets.

Amazon Author page:
Facebook Page:
Twitter: @Skye_Callahan
Google +:

Gone Living #Row80

I need a “Gone Living” sign–like those “Gone Fishing” signs.

It’s not that writing and being around social media isn’t an important part of my life, but when things are already crashing into what is always a busy time of the year for me, things have insane, and I had to step away from some things for a while.

Why have I been MIA for the last 10ish days?

  1. The weather here has been insane, and I had already hurt my back shoveling snow, then I fell down a flight of stairs. So, sitting in front of my computer hasn’t been exactly enjoyable.
  2. The weather  has also resulted in crazy-fluctuating-weather related illnesses, and particularly for me migraines.
  3. I had to take the proofread version of Bound and Unbroken and format it for Barnes & Noble, Amazon, and Createspace.
  4. Upcoming release also means release party planning and tour planning, so I haven’t much made it past my inbox when logging onto the internet.
  5. I decided to start a business out of the blue and I’m into week 2 of my big launch (on top of still working my old office job).

Conclusion–Yes! I’m very far behind in the areas of blogging & social media, but I’m only getting about 15 minutes a day to log on and take care of those things right now.

Book 1: Beyond the Divide (Paranormal, Urban Fantasy) 9959 words

Book 2: Bound and Unbroken (BDSM Romance) 73k(ish) words

February Goals


  1. Finish the final polish on Bound and Unbroken
    Final editing fixes by Feb 3
    Send it off for a fresh critique
    Proofreading by Feb 8 – in progress at the moment
    Finish eARC formatting by Feb 10 & send ARCs out by Feb 11 to prepare for Book Blitz & Tours
    Incorporate final Proofread & prepare to click publish on February 24!
  2. Beyond the Divide–I’ve actually been working a little here and there on Beyond the Divide and Wild Guardian. I pulled up my last draft of Wild Guardian, which I haven’t touched in about 8 months and I’ve been working through it, and making notes for some changes. With Beyond the Divide, I’m sitting down and adding to the Reference spreadsheet I created for the series and collecting all of the additional details from Fractured Legacy, so I’ll be good to go again.

Non-Writing Goals

  1. Live Healthier
    Fresh Juice at least once per day (hit or miss)
    30 minutes of exercise each day (since it has been nice, I’ve been making it to the cemetery to walk again!)
    Drink 1 tsp of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water twice a day. (Yep!)
  2. Become more active in my regular blogging activities and in visiting other blogs. (That’s all a big NO!)
    Visit & comment on at least 3 blogs per day
    Reply to blog comments & make more return visits.
    At least 1 meaningful interaction on Google+/Twitter/Facebook per day
    Connect with someone new on Google+/Twitter/Facebook each day
    Do at least 1 marketing task each day
  3. Launch my business with Jamberry!
    My launch party ends at the end of the month and my goal is to do $400 in sales, I’m about 1/3 of the way there. Next month it will be all about finishing my first fast start and adding someone to my team.

Now I’m off to catch up on a few blog visits before I have to cook dinner.

A Round of Words in 80 Days is the writing challenge that knows you have a life.

We are all different and we all have different demands on our time.  Why should we all have the same goal?  The simple answer is that we shouldn’t.  If you want to be a writer, then you have to be able to roll with the punches and adapt to your changing circumstances.  If that means changing your goals when your life blows up, so be it.  ROW80 is the challenge that champions the marriage of writing and real life.


Bound and Unbroken: Blurb Debut and Teasers!

Lena is perfectly content spending her Friday evenings at home enjoying the quiet, but when her roommate insists that she needs to get out more and drags her to a sports bar, she shows him up by flirting with the handsome stranger who sits down next to her. Their anonymous conversation leads to a shared cab ride, but Lena’s conscience puts a damper on the evening. Her near-fling left to become a memory.

Until she finds him roaming the halls of the school where she teaches.

Eric has enough to deal with, recently given custody of his seven-year-old nephew, but he wants something more from Lena. When he reveals his desires, can she submit to what he wants?

And will his binds be enough to keep her?

Note: This book contains explicit sexual content (including BDSM themes), graphic language, and situations that some readers may find objectionable: M/f anal play, bondage, spanking, exhibitionism.

Fractured Legacy (Darkness Bound, #1)

Vote on the Fractured Legacy Cast and win the chance to Name a Character!

Want to name a character in an upcoming Darkness Bound book?

All you have to do is help me choose the main cast! Make you picks below and one voter will be picked at random to name a character to appear in the sequel to Fractured Legacy!! (Note: Name must be appropriate and subject to my final approval, and I can’t guarantee the fate of the character–I can’t even control Jonah!!)

Voting ends at noon on Friday (Eastern Time).

And here are my nominees, thanks to my Street Team!! Leave a comment with your top pic for Jonah, Kaylyn, and Cole.

Fractured Legacy Tour Continues Today! (#giveaway)

tourbadgeThe second stretch of the Fractured Legacy Blog Tour begins today!!

You can check out the first post at: Never Judge a Book by it’s Movie

Here’s the current schedule:

November 4 – Never Judge a Book by it’s Movie
November 5 – INerded
November 7 – Sally Sue Ember’s Blog
November 8 – Amber Daulton’s Blog
November 12 – Atty’s Attic & The Demon Librarian
November 13 – Shayna Varadeaux Books
November 14 – Kaidans Seduction
November 15 – Mom With A Kindle
November 18 – The Library of Erana
November 19 – Books, Besties, and Booze
November 20 – TW Brown on zombies, Border Collies, and the Indie writing scene
November 21 – The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl
November 22 – Dalene’s Book Reviews

I’ll add direct links as each post goes up through the tour, and as each post goes live, you’ll get more chances to enter the grand prize giveaway!

In the Spirit of Halloween, Fractured Legacy is #Free

KeepCalmFLThrough October 31, you can get a copy of Fractured Legacy free from Amazon!

Amazon US:

Amazon UK:

Amazon CA:

And other Amazon stores around the globe!

After the sale, the book will return to it’s regular price of $2.99.

Fractured Legacy

Kaylyn Anderson’s fascination with abandoned places and dark creatures kindled her work as a paranormal investigator. But when dreams begin to distort reality, she questions what is real and pulls away from everyone she trusts. The opportunity to investigate the Teague Hotel–a long-abandoned landmark that has always piqued her curiosity–provides a chance to redeem herself. Unraveling the hotel’s secrets won’t be easy, but Kaylyn soon finds herself the target of a dark entity that has been trapped in the building for decades.

If Kaylyn stands any chance of defeating the spirit, she’ll have to accept that her fears are real and convince fellow investigators that she hasn’t lost her mind.

For more on Fractured Legacy, check out the posts from the Scavenger Hunt Tour and Giveaway.

The Paperback is also available from Amazon, and eligible for Matchbook, so after the sale ends, if you buy the Paperback at regular price, you can add on the ebook for Free.

#CoffinHop: Horror Tagline Challenge

Horror Movie Taglines!

For some Halloween fun, name the movie that goes with the tagline! We’re on the honor system here, so no cheating!

“Ding dong. You’re dead.”

“Sometimes dead is better.”

“They’re here.”

“If this one doesn’t scare you, you’re already dead!”

“The lucky ones died first.”

“Who will survive, and what will be left of them?”

“…and remember, the next scream you hear may be your own!”

“Kiss Your Nerves Good-Bye!”

“Consult your doctor! Bring your seat belts!”

“A scream that wakes you up, might be your own…”

“The Horror is driving him crazy”

“It is the greatest mystery of all because no human being will ever solve it.”

“By night they leave their graves, crawling, shambling, through empty streets, whimpering, pleading, begging for his blood!”


Thanks for stopping by for the Coffin Hop! Please leave your comments below, and be sure to check out the rest of the posts by heading back to the Coffin Hop HQ.

And don’t forget to check out the Death by Drive-In Anthology, “a collection of some of the best and brightest of the Coffin Hop crew, with 21 amazing B-movie inspired stories from some of the best Indie authors around. All profits from the anthology (as well as our Coffin Hop store) will be donated to, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization supporting child literacy and social improvement the world over.”

And remember every stop is offering some great prizes, including me!

One lucky winner will get an ebook copy of Fractured Legacy and a $10 Amazon Gift Card, so head on over to rafflecopter to enter!


#CoffinHop Day 2: Halloween Favorites

Since joining the Coffin Hop was a spur of the moment thing, I still haven’t had time to actually sit back and figure out what I’m doing for the next few days.

Family Traditions–Halloween is all about the scare!

I don’t know about most families, but for my family Halloween was always the biggest and most exciting holiday of the year. If you want to protect your kids from slightly-traumatic Halloween scares, I recommend you keep them away from my family. We love a good scare and go all out to have the scariest decorations and costumes.

Favorite Tradition: I’ve always been the person to go out looking for scary stories and events. My grandparents took me to the Haunted Fields every year and it was my favorite part of the holiday. I love the heart-pounding adrenaline rush of walking through the scary scenes and never knowing what’s going to pop out of a corner. And scary people running at the group with chainsaws is a nice touch.

Favorite Costume: Jason Voorhees (yes, I was a twelve year old girl, dressed as Jason). I went all out–made a huge machete out of cardboard and tinfoil since I wasn’t allowed to carry a real one, put on a hockey mask, some dirty baggy clothes, and went out to scare all of the trick-or-treating children. Most kids aren’t safe from my mom either, who likes to put a body bag out on the front porch, and have someone hide in it to jump out and scare trick-or-treaters.  I’ll thank her for my demented kind of Halloween humor.

Favorite Memory: In 1998, TNT MonsterVision had a Dusk to Dawn Friday the 13th Marathon hosted by Joe Bob Briggs. My sisters, brother, and I camped out in the living room to watch it. At the end of the first movie when Jason jumped out of the water, my brother also jumped, bumping into a side table and knocking a glass of water over all of us. I miss the days of Joe Bob Briggs.

As a kid, what were your favorite Halloween traditions, memories, or costumes?

Thanks for stopping by for the Coffin Hop! Please leave your comments below, and be sure to check out the rest of the posts by heading back to the Coffin Hop HQ.

Some must see stops & contests:

And don’t forget to check out the Death by Drive-In Anthology, “a collection of some of the best and brightest of the Coffin Hop crew, with 21 amazing B-movie inspired stories from some of the best Indie authors around. All profits from the anthology (as well as our Coffin Hop store) will be donated to, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization supporting child literacy and social improvement the world over.”

And remember every stop is offering some great prizes, including me!

One lucky winner will get an ebook copy of Fractured Legacy and a $10 Amazon Gift Card, so head on over to rafflecopter to enter!